Bible Reflections 

So as mentioned in an earlier post this month, one of the habits I am trying to get into this year is reading scripture daily. For those of you who may be interested, I will most likely be trying to post at least once a week regarding what I’m reading and my reflections on  it.

This month specifically I am trying to read the book of Proverbs although I skip around quite a bit when inspiration strikes. Here’s a few verses I’ve highlighted:

  • Proverbs 11:14 With a great deal of change and reflection in the United States right now, I really took this verse to heart. Who does not benefit from sound advisement? Even as I age I realize how little of the world I know and I appreciate those who grant me counsel. It is wise to gather opinions before making decisions, as others may consider perspectives you have not. I also continue to seek God’s counsel. I hope and pray that the leaders in our country do the same.
  • Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up” Have you ever had one of those days where you seen my to be struggling to get through and you keep worrying about every move you make and things already past and the future and…. you get my drift. Have you had one of these days and then someone gives you a compliment or maybe even a stranger just smiles at you and for one moment the worry stops and you realize that it’s going to work out? This is what came to my mind as I read this verse. It also goes the other way – have you ever noticed someone, maybe even and coworker who just seemed to be having a very hard day? Did you do anything to help them or make their day a little brighter? “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew5:16). No matter how small the deed (again think of that smile), you may make someone’s day that much brighter.
  • Exodus 20 Because I can recall the commandments but not the order or exact wording, I reread this chapter…which tied me into…
  • Matthew 5:21

Feel free to let me know your thoughts on these verses. As always, thanks for reading.

Starting 2017

It has been almost 5 months since I have written a post on this blog. To my followers, I apologize. A lot has happened since then, including me finding an amazing SLP job with pediatrics and moving.

As the new year has already begun, I have been very focused on habits. What do I mean by this? Well, you have all heard people make resolutions over the years; often these do not last. Why? I feel it has a lot to do with trying to make unrealistic changes all at once. To address this, I have instead decided to focus on habits. Supposedly, it takes at least 30 days of doing something for it to become a habit. I am not sure of how long it takes to undo a bad habit, but anyway…

Habits I have been focusing on adding so far these year:

  • Eat at least one fruit a day (I started this before the new year, got a little off track during the holidays, but have been back on track) – I love Cuties clementines and bananas as they are relatively easy to peel and eat on the go
  • Read scripture daily (whether it is one verse, a chapter, or multiple chapters/books – I typically have been trying to read at least a chapter). Recent focus on Proverbs and Genesis for me.
  • Exercise daily (even if it is very minimal). Lately I have been making sure I do a combo of squats and crunches or a mix of lunges and timed planks. These are quick exercises to do at the very beginning or end of the day.

Habits I have not yet focused on but wish to add in as the year continues:

  • Addressing my nail biting habit. No it has not gone away as I have aged, and anxiety often increases this for me. I know it is gross and unhealthy.
  • Drinking more water. I had been doing good for a while, then after switching jobs, I have fallen off the track. My soda and coffee consumption has increased whereas my water consumption has decreased.
  • Decreasing my independence on sugar. I know that I crave it. Especially in the late afternoon and by the end of my day. Peanut butter M & Ms are one of my worst culprits. I can mindlessly eat them and feel like I have no self-control once that bag is cracked open.
  • Eating more earlier in the day rather than binging after work at night. I love food. All the time. At work it is not always easy to eat/have snacks/etc., and I often feel that I eat the majority of my calories later than 4 p.m. Typically the less healthy calories as well.

In other news, I have set a date for my wedding, but a lot of planning has not been done. The past few days I have been at least setting aside a minimum of a few minutes to work on something wedding related. The date is later this year, so I need to get a move on with this.

I also need to find a good ENT before the end of the year. I have had sinus problems from an early age and have had a sinus infection every 3 months or less probably since 7th grade. I am tired of going on antibiotics and feeling drained all the time, even after taking multivitamins and practicing good hand-washing protocols. I need to eventually find out if this is happening because of my structures or if I should investigate the idea of allergies further (I already take an allergy pill on a daily basis and use a nasal spray at times during the year).

As always, thanks for reading. I hope that you are off to an amazing start to 2017. Take care.